Julep It Girl Starter Box


Earlier this February, I took advantage of Julep‘s offer for a free starter box with the code ‘FREEMAVEN’. (I don’t know if it still works or not.) Well, the only thing you had to pay was the $3.99 shipping and handling which still made it a good deal. I normally wouldn’t pay $20 a month for a box of just nail polishes and hand creams, but I do love having the option to skip a month, if needed.

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Blackened Sparkle

As I’m typing this, the Times Square ball is about to drop over the loud, thick crowd in New York City. I just wanted to share my nails of the day (NOTD) which is a champagne, gold sparkle over black. And of course, wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
2012-12-30-newyearnailsProducts: Wet n Wild Wild Shine ‘Black Creme’ and ULTA ‘High Roller’

Best wishes and lots of love.